What I would have seen if I went to SXSW

SXSW is the perfect conference for me, a music festival and an interactive conference in one place at one time??? SXSW is an Interactive, Music, and Film Festival that takes place annually in March. SXSW has become huge over the past few years, it is in Austin, TX and is almost a week long.  I feel like my twitter feed and all my go-to websites have been flooded with information about SXSW this week. This might be because I primarily follow bands and social media sites on twitter and read news on these two topics daily. SXSW interactive was the launching site of Twitter and Foursquare and is the conference that anyone who is anyone in the social media world attends. The music side has grown so much over the past few years with over i was going to list bands that performed but i was too overwhelmed by the list. SXSW is more that just a few shows, SXSW is all day and all night because of all the after parties and all the visitors that take over Austin for the 5 days in March. After reading all the tweets and watching all the videos I have realized I would have been so over whelmed and I would have probably looked like a chicken with my head cut off. If i did attend a few things I would have wanted to see if I was in Austin this week include:

-Jay-Z’s american express show used to promote american express’s new twitter partnership. This concert was streamed live on the internet and is still available if you would like to watch it.

– I would have supported the homeless hot spots. A cool idea of making homeless people in Austin hot spots for the week.

– I would have attended the acting class taught by the director of arrested development!

-I would have tried to see a lot of concerts especially Bruce Springsteen’s.

-I would have liked to hear about the the release of the new app “highlight.” An app that connects you to people around you that have similar interests. Meeting strangers walking down the street might be social media’s newest idea…..

– And most importantly I would have networked at all the parties. Journalist, musicians, actors, marketing gurus, social media geniuses and everyone in between are in attendance at the SXSW after parties. These parties are based on networking, maybe I could have used the new Highlight app to see who I could have potentially talked to.

Gary Sharma described SXSW as “A rollercoaster of parties, people, apps, marketing stunts, long lines, free food, fire dancers, business cards, party buses, taco trucks, drunken tweets, celebrity sightings, old friends, new friends, bbq, deals, hookups, checkins, random conversations, acquisition rumors and much, much more.” – how would you not like this?

Maybe one day I will attend SXSW but for now I will just think of all the cool things I would have seen. (An owl bus sponsored by Hootsuite)


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